Important reminders on managing professional scope of practice
Recent changes to Liposuction in the Non-Hospital Medical Surgical Facility Liposuction Standards and Accredited Facilities Bylaw may impact your practice
Repeated environmental or occupational exposure to latex can lead to sensitization and potentially life-threatening allergic reactions. How can you minimize the risks?
Guidance on the importance of appropriate patient and pump selection for insulin pump therapy to ensure patient safety and avoid adverse consequences
Guidance for recognizing, avoiding, and disclosing conflicts of interest in patient care
Factors to consider in Skin, Soft Tissue, Bone and Joint Infection
An important message from Dr. Chris Christodoulou, Provincial Anesthesia Specialty Lead, Shared Health
What is an appropriate window of time I can provide to patients for a virtual appointment
The annual report summarizes CPSM's major activities from the fiscal year of May 1, 2022, to April 30, 2023
Identifying the individual who is the “most responsible physician" is important for safe and quality care
Part 2 of guidance on Collaborative Care regarding the referral of patients to emergency or urgent care
Learn more about the Physician Health program and download a printable information sheet to share with colleagues
Inspections are a component of CPSM's extensive quality assurance and improvement initiatives
This is the first of a series of profiles on CPSM registrant's contributions to improving the quality of patient care in Manitoba
Collaborative care requires clear communication between referring physicians and emergency and urgent care departments
View reminders about the risks of pacemaker failures following a recent case
Good patient care relies on collaboration and communication: take a look at these reminders
Shared Health provides guidance on reportable sexually transmitted and blood-borne infections (STBBIs), which continue to have high rates in Manitoba
A recent case highlights the need for vigilance regarding the risk of DVT and pulmonary embolism with oral contraceptive use
Important update regarding the intravenous administration of ketamine in Manitoba
The Maternal and Perinatal Health Standards Committee has reviewed several cases of fetal demise in the context of post-date pregnancies
The award is granted to educators who demonstrate excellence, innovation, and a commitment to lifelong learning