Share your feedback regarding adding non-exempted codeine products to the Manitoba Prescribing Practices Program (M3P)
Notice to Registrants regarding Health Canada updates to Cannabis Authorizations for Medical Purposes process
Guidance on the importance of appropriate patient and pump selection for insulin pump therapy to ensure patient safety and avoid adverse consequences
New prescribing Standard and Practice Direction
An important message from Dr. Chris Christodoulou, Provincial Anesthesia Specialty Lead, Shared Health
New resource for prescribing methadone for analgesia in palliative care
The Manitoba Opioid Agonist Therapy (OAT) Recommended Practice Manual was written by local experts and provides detailed guidance and expert recommendations for every aspect of OAT care.
The growing demand for certain drugs has raised concerns about prescribing to patients not assessed in-person
Starting on February 15, 2023, physicians will not be required to complete the M3P form before prescribing medications on the M3P drug list. Read for more details.
Reminder to M3P prescribers regarding triplicate pad orders
Important update regarding the intravenous administration of ketamine in Manitoba
An important message on M3P prescription pad changes
Effective March 31, Tramadol and all tramadol-containing products will now require an M3P approval to prescribe and will be subject to all M3P prescription requirements in Manitoba