We protect the public and promote the safe and ethical delivery of quality medical care by registrants in Manitoba.
Phone: (204) 774-4344
Toll Free: (877) 774-4344
Email: cpsm@cpsm.mb.ca

New Recommended Practice Manual Launched to Support Opioid Agonist Therapy Prescribers in Manitoba

The Manitoba Opioid Agonist Therapy (OAT) Recommended Practice Manual was written by local experts and provides detailed guidance and expert recommendations for every aspect of OAT care.

May 18, 2023

May 19 is Family Doctors Day

May 19 is Family Doctors Day

Dismissing a Patient

It is important for patients and physicians to understand what constitutes reasonable grounds for terminating the physician-patient relationship, and expectations following a patient dismissal; review the following on de-escalation and practice management

May 11, 2023 |

A Multidisciplinary Approach to Maternal and Perinatal Quality of Care

This is the first of a series of profiles on CPSM registrant's contributions to improving the quality of patient care in Manitoba

May 10, 2023 |
Truth and Reconciliation

Bear Witness Day

May 10 is Bear Witness Day, a day honour Jordan River Anderson and Jordan's Principle, which ensures that First Nations children have access to the care and services they need, when they need them

May 10, 2023 |

CPSM participating in working group to develop the first nationally integrated source of data on physicians in Canada

The nationally integrated source of data on physicians will allow for improved collaboration across jurisdictions

May 08, 2023 |
Standard of Practice Quality

Referring Patients to Emergency Departments & Urgent Care

Collaborative care requires clear communication between referring physicians and emergency and urgent care departments