Quality Improvement Program
Effective January 1, 2019, the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Manitoba (CPSM) has implemented the Quality Improvement (QI) Program under The Regulated Health Professions Act (RHPA). The Quality Improvement Program will incorporate a more robust review of physicians’ practices. The CPSM is mandated by legislation to supervise the practice of its members to help ensure safe care for Manitobans. The former Manitoba Physician Achievement Review (MPAR) Program which had been in place since 2010, was discontinued as of December 31, 2018.
The Quality Improvement Program will encourage continuing quality improvement activities, and continuing practice improvement for its members. As well, it will provide a new mechanism for the CPSM to interact with members to gather detailed information about their practice, to encourage them to reflect on this information, and to plan their continuing professional development (CPD) and ongoing practice improvement around needs they identify in their practice. Over time, this should lead to improved care for their patient populations. Lifelong learning is ideally related to each of our practices and makes it easier for us to serve our patients and communities.
The goals of the program are:
- to be meaningful to its members and the public
- to be educational in nature, collegial and non-invasive
- to promote quality improvement throughout the span of a member’s career
- to fulfill the legal and ethical responsibility of the College
- to be reproducible, and comparable with other programs nationally
The program will operate on a seven-year cycle. All participants will be required to provide in-depth information about their practice, and to provide information about their CPD. The program will introduce an element of peer review to Manitoba; other jurisdictions have used peer review for many years. Some participants will undergo offsite chart reviews, multisource feedback, and/or onsite office visits. All participants will be required to complete an action plan that asks them to identify challenges in their practice, and then develop a plan to address those challenges. All participants will receive feedback and practice support resources.
About the process:
- Quality Improvement Program information sheet
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Quality Improvement Program Presentation
Other information: