Public Consultations

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How are new Standards of Practice developed?

How are existing Standards of Practice or Practice Direction updated?

The Consultation Process


CPSM oversees the regulation of the medical profession in Manitoba, which involves developing Standards of Practice and Practice Directions that all CPSM registrants must comply with.

CPSM conducts formal consultations prior to making changes to the following:

  • Bylaws
  • Standards of Practice
  • Code of Ethics and Professionalism
  • Regulations
  • And Practice Directions (as determined by Council)

How are new Standards of Practice or Practice Direction developed?

  1. First, the need for a new standard is identified. This can be a result of public, registrant, or stakeholder input, CPSM Council, committees, or the Registrar. The need for a new Standard or Practice Direction may be influenced by patient experiences, societal events, or legislation that has been introduced, updated, amended, or otherwise pertinent to the practice of medicine. For example, during COVID-19, the increased use of virtual medicine influenced the need for the development of a new Standard of Practice to guide the use of virtual medicine.
  2. A Working Group is initiated, including the appointment of a chair. Working Group participants include representatives from the public, other regulated health professions in the province, CPSM Councillors, registrants, and staff, and other Subject Matter Experts.
  3. The Working Group does a comprehensive review of the issue, which may include reviewing existing legislation, Standards from other regulatory bodies, literature review, environmental scan, or case studies. The Standard of Practice/Practice Direction/amendment is developed and presented to Council for approval for public consultation.
  4. A public consultation is held for a minimum of 30 days.
  5. The Working Group reviews all feedback received, takes it into consideration, discusses it, and either leaves the Standard/ Practice Direction/amendment as is or makes revisions. It is presented to Council again for final approval.
  6. The Standard/ Practice Direction/amendment returns to Council for approval including the date it will become effective. Once approved, the Standard/ Practice Direction is published.

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How are existing Standards of Practice or Practice Direction updated?

We are undergoing a multi-year review of all Standards of Practice and Practice directions to ensure they are up-to-date, relevant, and balance the public’s needs for high-quality, safe, and ethical medical care with the challenges and responsibilities of the medical profession.

Several Standards are reviewed with minor changes. Any updates beyond grammar or minor wording require Council approval and a public consultation. 

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The Consultation Process

See the diagram below.

  • During the consultation period, CPSM seeks input from the public, other interested groups, registrants, the Manitoba Government, other regulated health professions in Manitoba, the University of Manitoba faculty of medicine, and other stakeholders as applicable to the topic under consideration. The consultation period lasts a minimum of 30 days.
  • Input from a wide range of perspectives - from the public, registrants, regulated health professions, and other stakeholders, enhances the quality and comprehensiveness of our standards and better reflects best practices for patient safety while balancing public concerns. 

  • Amendments to bylaws must be voted upon and passed by the CPSM members at the Annual General Meeting in June.

We strongly encourage all Manitobans to provide their feedback. 

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There are no open consultations at this time.