

In accordance with The Regulated Health Professions Act, the Council has the responsibility to govern, determine, control, and administer the affairs of the College.

Council has the power to make Bylaws for the exercise and carrying out of its powers, rights and duties and make specific rules regarding the manner in which the College operates.  Council also has the power to make Standards of Practice of Medicine and Practice Directions, which are compulsory for the membership.

Council has adopted a policy governance model and strives to govern with an emphasis on strategic leadership, including a commitment to:

  • obtaining public and membership input;
  • encouragement of a diversity of viewpoints; and
  • ensuring clear distinction between Council and College staff roles.

Council Membership

The Regulated Health Professions Act provides that the Council of the College is to consist of the following persons:

  • eight regulated members who are practicing physicians and elected in accordance with the Bylaws;
  • six public representatives, three of whom are appointed by the minister and three of whom are appointed by Council;
  • one regulated associate member, elected by the regulated associate members in accordance with the Bylaws;
  • one regulated member of the College who is a practising physician and is selected by the Faculty of Medicine at the University from members of that faculty, or his or her alternate, when he or she is not available;
  • the President of the Council, whether or not he or she has been re-elected or re-appointed as a council member;
  • the Past-President of the Council, whether or not he or she has been re-elected or re-appointed as a council member.

Vacancies on Council during the term of office of any Councillor will be filled in accordance with section 33 of the Affairs of the College Bylaw.

Council Policies

The College of Physicians and Surgeons of Manitoba’s Governance Policies are created to define and guide appropriate responsibilities of Council, Committees of the College, Registrants, the Registrar

View all Council Policies here