We protect the public and promote the safe and ethical delivery of quality medical care by registrants in Manitoba.
Phone: (204) 774-4344
Toll Free: (877) 774-4344
Email: cpsm@cpsm.mb.ca

Closing or Relocating a Medical Practice

Quick Resources

Download a printable checklist for closing or relocating a medical practice


Download the Closing or Relocating a Medical Practice Reporting Form


Requirements For Closing or Relocating a Medical Practice 

This page contains information about what registrants must consider when closing or relocating a medical practice. The information provided is intended to offer practical guidance for ensuring safe practice and good continuity of care for patients.

This page does not apply to those registrants planning for retirement or a leave of absence. For that information, please visit the Retirement page or the Leave of Absence page. 

Registrants who are planning to close or relocate their medical practice are advised to review the following Standards of Practice:



Reporting Closure or Relocation to CPSM


Notice of an intention to close or relocate a medical practice must be communicated to CPSM as soon as possible.

Registrants are encouraged to seek information or advice about closing or relocating a medical practice from the Canadian Medical Protective Association (CMPA) or Doctors Manitoba (if a member of either organization).


View CMPA's tips for closing or leaving a practice.

View Doctors Manitoba Resource Guide for Retirement or Practice Closure.


For more details about closing or relocating a medical practice, click on each section below or on the menu on the sidebar on the left (or at the top if you are on a smartphone).


Defining closure and relocation

Requirements for closing or relocating a medical practice