Practice Directions

Practice Directions are approved by Council and relate to an individual registrants’ practice of medicine. They supplement the requirements of the Regulated Health Professions Act and Regulations. All CPSM registrants must adhere to Practice Directions.

2020 Residents Cohort Registration during COVID-19
Appeals from Investigation Committee Decisions
Appeals Pursuant to S 38 and 183(7) of the RHPA
Cancellation of Registration or Certificate of Practice Pursuant to S 48 of the RHPA

Complaints Investigations Resolving Conflict and CPSM's Complaints and Investigations Process

Continuing Professional Development
Decisions Regarding Permits for Health Profession Corporations & Related Appeals
EKG Interpretation and Billing Eligibility 
Electronic Transmission of Prescriptions  UPDATED - EFFECTIVE JUNE 1, 2024
Interprofessional Collaborative Care
Medical Corporations and Clinic Names
Practice Supervision Requirements for Clinical and Physician Assistants and Physician Assistant Students 
Prescribing Methadone or Buprenorphine/naloxone
Professional Practice and Inactivity 
Qualifications and Registration
Reinstatement Application
Rural, Remote, and Underserved Populations: Access to Prescribed Drugs