Changes to Liposuction Standards in Non-Hospital Surgical Medical Facilities

December 10, 2024 |
News Quality

When performed outside of a hospital, liposuction procedures require accreditation through the Non-Hospital Medical and Surgical Facilities (NHMSF) Accreditation program operated by the Manitoba Quality Assurance Program.

Recently, changes were made to the NHMSF liposuction standards and the Accredited Facilities Bylaw to:

  1. Clarify the liposuction techniques that require accreditation.
  2. Identify best practices regarding the amounts of total lipoaspirate removed during a single procedure for the different liposuction techniques.
  3. Incorporate anesthesia/sedation considerations, including the potential for local anesthetic system toxicity (LAST).

Click here to view the Liposuction Techniques Summary for Manitoba 

We ask that you review the table if you perform any liposuction procedures in a facility other than a hospital.

Liposuction should only be performed in a NHMSF by a CPSM registrant with the required knowledge, skills, and judgement to perform the procedure.

If you perform any liposuction procedures outside of a hospital or an accredited NHMSF, or if you have any questions, please contact:

The Manitoba Quality Assurance Program (MANQAP)

Phone: 204-560-4227
