We protect the public and promote the safe and ethical delivery of quality medical care by registrants in Manitoba.
Phone: (204) 774-4344
Toll Free: (877) 774-4344
Email: cpsm@cpsm.mb.ca
October 20, 2022 |
Standard of Practice

New Standard of Practice: Episodic Visits, House Calls, and Walk-in Primary Care

The new Standard is effective November 1, 2022

October 06, 2022 |
Quality Prescribing Practices

Intravenous Ketamine Administration

Important update regarding the intravenous administration of ketamine in Manitoba

September 29, 2022 |
Truth and Reconciliation

Honouring National Day for Truth and Reconciliation

CSPM honours National Day for Truth and Reconciliation and will act on seven recommendations from the Truth and Reconciliation Advisory Circle

August 25, 2022

Management of Myeloma Manifestations and Complications

Consensus guidelines on the diagnosis of Multiple Myeloma from The Canadian Myeloma Research Group Consensus Guideline Consortium

August 25, 2022 |

Certificates of Incapacity - Form 21 of the Mental Health Act

Important information for physicians regarding Form 21 of the Mental Health Act

July 29, 2022

CPSM Guidance Re: Abortions

CPSM Guidance Re: Abortions

July 22, 2022

Infant Formula Shortage

Memo from the Chief Provincial Health Officer and Deputy Chief Provincial Health Officer re: infant formula shortage

July 22, 2022 |
Prescribing Practices

Notice to M3P Prescribers: Upcoming Prescription Pad Changes

An important message on M3P prescription pad changes

What You Need to Know Before Recruiting or Offering Employment to a New Physician at Your Practice

Considerations for offering employment or recruiting new physicians

June 29, 2022 |
CPSM Council

Annual General Meeting Update

Highlights from CPSM's annual general meeting

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