We protect the public and promote the safe and ethical delivery of quality medical care by registrants in Manitoba.
Phone: (204) 774-4344
Toll Free: (877) 774-4344
Email: cpsm@cpsm.mb.ca
March 07, 2024 |

Be Vigilant for Measles – Rise in Imported Cases in North America

Guidance to Manitoba healthcare providers on staying vigilant for measles from Public Health

Is Cellulitis part of the Differential Diagnosis?

Factors to consider in Skin, Soft Tissue, Bone and Joint Infection

January 25, 2024 |

Introducing Indigenous Service Providers of Child and Family Services

Provincial legislation has been amended to recognize alternate decision-makers confirmed by an Indigenous Service Provider or a provincial CFS Agency authority to make primary healthcare decisions on behalf of a child

January 10, 2024 |

Public Consultation: DRAFT revised Standard of Practice – Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD)

The Standard of Practice for MAiD has been amended to address complex cases and ensure appropriate safeguards are in place for all patients eligible for MAiD as of March 17, 2024

January 09, 2024 |

Public Consultation: Draft Practice Direction for the supervision of Physician & Clinical Assistants

New Practice Direction streamlines requirements for the practice supervision of CIAs and PAs

January 08, 2024 |

Public Consultation: Amendment to The Affairs of the College Bylaw

Establishing a new Board of Assessors to assess applications for registration requires an amendment to The Affairs of the College Bylaw

Patient Care Expectations

CPSM registrants are reminded of their ethical obligations for patient care

December 19, 2023 |
CPSM Council

Message from the Dean

A year-end message from Dr. Peter Nickerson, Vice-Provost (Health Sciences), Dean, Rady Faculty of Health Sciences, Dean, Max Rady College of Medicine, University of Manitoba

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