New Standard of Practice for Virtual Medicine

October 01, 2021 |
Standard of Practice

Effective November 1, 2021

CPSM Council approved a new Standard of Practice for Virtual MedicineWhile virtual medicine has been beneficial for many reasons, the pandemic has also reinforced the vital importance of in-person care. The general provision is: 

Each member’s practice of medicine must include timely in-person care when clinically indicated or requested by the patient.  It is not an acceptable standard of care to solely practice virtual medicine. A blended model of care balancing in-person and virtual medicine is required if providing virtual medicine.

Every practitioner engaging in virtual medicine must read and practice this Standard. It includes a Contextual Information and Resources document with further details and links for virtual medicine resources.  

View the new Standard Of Practice for Virtual Medicine

A consultation for the Standard was undertaken, including an online patient survey. Feedback from the public was valuable for improving the Standard; many of the concerns raised were addressed in finalizing the Standard. 


Practicing Virtual Medicine Across Provincial and International Borders 

Additionally, you may find the Information Sheet on Virtual Medicine Across Provincial and International Borders helpful. While separate from the Standard, it provides CPSM’s interpretation of the legislation relating to the practice of telemedicine/virtual medicine across borders.