Indigenous Peoples Day

June 18, 2024 |
Truth and Reconciliation

June is Indigenous History Month and June 21 is Indigenous Peoples Day—both are opportunities to honour and expand our understanding of First Nations, Inuit and Métis People, their experiences, and their stories. Learning about Indigenous cultures is essential in advancing Reconciliation.

Since 2021, CPSM has been committed to Reconciliation by first, recognizing and understanding the historical mistreatment Indigenous People when receiving medical care in Manitoba. This process has involved listening to the lived experiences of Indigenous People who form the CPSM Truth and Reconciliation Advisory Circle. The goal of the Advisory Circle is to guide our path forward to correct past and present wrongdoings and eliminate Indigenous-specific racism in medical practice. 

Our journey towards Reconciliation is ongoing. We are actively implementing the seven recommendations from the Truth and Reconciliation Advisory Circle. Two significant initiatives are in development: mandatory Indigenous-specific anti-racism training and a Standard of Practice. The Standard will be conceptually different from the Standards you are accustomed to; it is being developed as a tool for registrants to use to prevent Indigenous racism.

To understand the need for these tools, one must first understand the need for change, which begins with awareness of the history, unique cultures, traditions, and experiences of First Nations, Inuit, and Métis People.

There will be more information about the initiatives and consultation in the near future, but this month we invite you to take some time to immerse yourself in Indigenous art, culture, and history. To honour First Nations, Inuit, and Métis People’s tradition of passing down knowledge through stories and voices, we’ve listed some resources to listen, watch, or read below to get you started. 


Resources to Listen, Watch, and Read 

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    • Click here to explore Indigenous artists and their music on Nikamowin, a streaming platform for discovering and listening to music by Indigenous artists. An exceptional window for emerging artists as well as established artists from Canada and abroad, it features music of all genres.

WATCH A black background with a black square

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  Discover the National Film Board’s rich online collection of Indigenous-made films. Films vary in length and subject areas.

READ A black background with a black square

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Wînipêk by Niigaan Sinclair

Sinclair uses the story of Winnipeg to illuminate the reality of Indigenous life all over what is called Canada. This is a book that demands change and celebrates those fighting for it, that reminds us of what must be reconciled and holds accountable those who must do the work.

30 must-read books to learn about the Indigenous experience in North America (a curated list of books to read for National Indigenous History Month)

Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada: Calls to Action

CPSM Land Acknowledgement