2025 CaRMS Matches in Manitoba

March 03, 2025 |

If you have been matched to a residency training program in Manitoba, read below for details on how to register with CPSM, Manitoba’s medical regulatory body.  

If you are currently a medical student in Manitoba and have been matched to a residency training program in Manitoba:

As you are currently a registrant of CPSM, there is no new application for you to complete.

Simply renew your Certificate of Practice the same way you have done so through medical school.

You will be prompted to renew your Certificate of Practice via email in mid-May. Please ensure that CPSM has your most updated email address.

Note: You are not required to submit an updated criminal record check or abuse registry checks.

If you are graduated from a Canadian medical school (outside of Manitoba) or if you are an International Medical Graduate, and have been matched to a residency in Manitoba:

CPSM will receive confirmation from the University of Manitoba PGME office that you have been accepted into a residency training program.

Once CPSM receives this information, you will receive an email from us with instructions on how to register. 

Please email CaRMS@cpsm.mb.ca if you have any questions or concerns.