Advice to the Profession: Medical Exemption Notes for Cellphone Ban in Classrooms

August 28, 2024 |
Advice to the Profession News

The Manitoba government has implemented a cellphone ban in classrooms for the upcoming school year. Physicians may see increased requests for medical exemption notes to permit your patients (students) to use cellphones in classrooms.

Writing a medical note is a serious responsibility and should not be done without due diligence and adherence to the regulations under The Regulated Health Professions Act.

Certain medical conditions may warrant using cellphones in the classroom, such as apps that monitor sugar levels for students with diabetes. Other requests may not be as clear-cut and will require clinical judgement in determining whether a medical note is warranted. Registrants are reminded of their professional obligations when issuing medical exemption notes:

  • Medical exemption notes should be issued only after conducting an objective clinical assessment and when medically necessary and consistent with the assessment.
  • If a medical note is issued, you must document the rationale for your decision in the patient's medical record.

Please review the following best practices and Standard of Practice: 

Guidance on Medical letters, forms, and reports | CMPA

Medical Information to Third Parties and Sickness Certificates | CPSM Standard of Practice – Confidentiality and Privacy