We protect the public and promote the safe and ethical delivery of quality medical care by registrants in Manitoba.
Phone: (204) 774-4344
Toll Free: (877) 774-4344
Email: cpsm@cpsm.mb.ca

Defining Closure and Relocation

For CPSM registration purposes, closure or relocation are defined as situations where a registrant ceases to practice in a specific practice setting or location at which they have routinely carried on the practice of medicine.

For context, routine practice establishes expectations or reliance on the registrant, which engages certain professional obligations, most importantly relating to continuity of care for patients.


Examples of closure and relocation scenarios:


  • Relocating a medical practice from one medical clinic to another within Manitoba.
  • Relocating a medical practice from a hospital outpatient clinic to a non-institutional medical clinic.
  • Closing a medical practice within a hospital but not relocating that practice.
  • Closing medical practice at a medical clinic in Manitoba, including in the context of plans to relocate to another province. 

Closing a practice would not include:


  • A leave of absence. For leaves of absence, please visit this page.
  • Retirement. For retirement, please visit the retirement page
  • Ending a casual or temporary arrangement, for example, a locum.
  • Narrowing the scope of professional practice or reducing the volume of practice when you otherwise remain reasonably available to address routine ongoing patient care issues in a timely way. CPSM's Standard of Practice for Practice Management has specific continuity of care requirements applicable to registrants reducing or narrowing their practice (see paragraph 3.2).




For more information on whether your time away from your practice would be considered a leave of absence, contact CPSM at 204-774-4344 or by email at registration@cpsm.mb.ca.