Three things you may not know about the Physician Health Program

June 26, 2023 |

A registrant’s health and well-being impact the quality of care they provide to their patient. The Physician Health Program (PHP) supports physicians, residents, medical students, physician assistants and clinical assistants who need to prioritize their health while continuing to provide safe and effective care to patients. Our goal is to keep registrants working or enable them to return to practice as soon as it is safe to do so. 

1. The program is safe, confidential, and non-punitive. 

SAFE: We strive to provide a place where registrants feel safe, acknowledging they require support. 

CONFIDENTIAL: Any involvement and information shared with the program is kept private. 

NON-PUNITIVE: The PHP is non-punitive. The focus is on enabling participants to maintain practice and support rehabilitation.  

2. You can self-report or be referred by anyone   

If you are not well, others who care about you or those you interact closely with may notice. Referrals can be made to the PHP by anyone and are commonly received from colleagues, other healthcare professionals, patients, or family members.  

You are encouraged to seek help and engage in care to support your health and wellness. The PHP is committed to reducing stigma and making it safe to seek help and report to CPSM when required. Early reporting can be preventative and avoid added complexities that arise in the middle of a crisis. 

Every referral is handled with compassion, discretion, and a focus on the individual's humanity. The PHP’s involvement is customized to support your unique circumstances.  

3. You are required to notify the Physician Health Program if you have concerns regarding the safety of a colleague and their patients.  

It is essential that registrants report issues causing impairment in practice, whether it is about yourself or another colleague, not only for the well-being of yourself or a colleague, but also to preserve the privilege of self-governing the profession.  

You are required to notify the Physician Health Program if you have concerns regarding the safety of a colleague and their patients. The PHP fosters a safe culture of reporting and abides by the following: 

  • Disclosures are handled with maximum discretion and confidentiality; the identity of the reporting registrant is not shared.  
  • All disclosures are intended to support and assist the registrant in getting the help they need. 
  • Disclosures do not result in punitive action for you or the registrant you report.  

The PHP has received many positive comments from those who have engaged with the program. We request your help raising awareness of PHP among your colleagues. Here is how you can help: 

Download a printable Physician Health Program information sheet and post it in your office or lunch area. It includes all the information on this post and QR codes linking to the PHP webpage. 

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