We protect the public and promote the safe and ethical delivery of quality medical care by registrants in Manitoba.
Phone: (204) 774-4344
Toll Free: (877) 774-4344
Email: cpsm@cpsm.mb.ca
November 26, 2023 |

November 27 is National Physician Assistant Day

November 27 is National Physician Assistant Day in Canada

November 20, 2023 |
Quality Prescribing Practices

Glucagon-like-peptide (GLP-1) receptor agonists and Anesthesia risks

An important message from Dr. Chris Christodoulou, Provincial Anesthesia Specialty Lead, Shared Health

November 14, 2023

Webinar: Changes to colorectal cancer screening

Family physicians are invited to join CancerCare Manitoba to learn how the changes to colorectal cancer screening are impacting primary care

November 01, 2023 |

Reminder: Using Your Legal Name for Practice

A reminder of the importance of using your registered name for prescriptions, lab requisitions, and referrals